Human Resources & Payroll

Indonesia Introduces Golden Visa to Attract Foreign Investors


Indonesia is introducing a golden visa scheme to attract foreign corporate and individual investors. The scheme offers between five-to-10-year resident permits, depending on their investment value.

Singapore’s New COMPASS System Set to Roll Out in September


Singapore will introduce a new points system for Employment Pass applicants in September, in addition to higher qualifying salary thresholds.

Minimum Wage for Micro Enterprises in Malaysia Comes into Force


Since July 1, 2023, the minimum wage for micro-enterprises in Malaysia has come into force having been previously deferred since 2022. 

A Guide to Employment Permits for Foreign Workers in Cambodia


In this article, we explain what foreign nationals entering Cambodia need to know as regards employment-related visas and work permits in the country.

Indonesia’s Social Security System: Key Considerations for Payroll


Indonesia has made it mandatory for all Indonesian citizens and expatriates to participate in its social security programs.

Indonesia’s Public Holidays and Joint Leaves for 2023


ASEAN Briefing outlines Indonesia’s public holidays for 2023. This is a comprehensive list of those holidays.

Philippines’ Public Holidays for 2023


ASEAN Briefing outlines the Philippines’ public holidays for 2023. This is a comprehensive list of those holidays.

A Guide to Singapore’s Labor Law


The Employment Act is the central labor law in Singapore. We discuss the terms and conditions of employment that the Act covers, and how it impacts employers and employees.

Understanding Social Insurance in Singapore


We discuss the Central Provident Fund (CPF) and the Retirement Sum Topping-Up (RSTU) scheme – key components of Singapore’s social insurance.

Company Practices to Follow When Terminating an Employee in Indonesia


We discuss Indonesia’s Labor Law provisions on the termination of employment contracts and steps companies can take to minimize the risk of disputes due to unfair termination practices.

Showing 10 of 218 articles
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Related reading
  • An Introduction to Doing Business in Indonesia 2023
  • An Introduction to Doing Business in ASEAN 2023
  • ASEAN Talent and HR Compensation Benchmarking
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