Economy & Trade

Import and Export Procedures in Cambodia – Best Practices


Cambodia is an important manufacture-for-export destination and as the country continues to comply with ASEAN-wide economic integration, opportunities for both importers and exporters will grow. In this article we explain best practices for importing into and exporting out of Cambodia.

Solar Power Industry in the Philippines


The Philippines has a strong potential for harnessing solar energy for both consumer use and power generation. Our Philippines correspondent Bob Shead discusses the advantages and potential business opportunities of solar power in the Philippines in this Op-ed.

Import and Export Procedures in the Philippines – Best Practices


As the Philippines continues to comply with ASEAN-wide economic integration, opportunities for both importers and exporters will continue to grow. In this article we explain best practices for importing into and exporting out of the Philippines.

Import and Export Procedures in Malaysia – Best Practices


Malaysia continues to liberalize its import and export regulations; but, complex goods-specific rules still exist. In this article, we explain best practices for importing into and exporting out of Malaysia.

Import and Export Procedures in Myanmar – Best Practices


As Myanmar continues to liberalize its regulatory landscape, new opportunities are emerging for cross-border trade. In this article we explain best practices for importing into and exporting out of the country.

Biomass Industry in the Philippines


The Philippines has large and abundant supplies of biomass resources, including agricultural crop residues, forest residues, animal waste, and agro-industrial waste. Our Philippines correspondent Bob Shead discusses the economic advantages of biomass power generation in the Philippines in this Op-ed.

ASEAN Market Watch: Thailand GDP Growth, Malaysia Manufacturing Sector, and Singapore Retail Sales


In this week’s ASEAN Market Watch, we discuss Thailand’s GDP growth rate during January-March, analyze the continued growth registered by Malaysia’s manufacturing industry and highlight the recent recovery of Singapore’s retail sector.

ASEAN Growth to Remain Resilient Despite Regional Vulnerabilities


The World Bank forecasts ASEAN growth to remain resilient despite risks from global and regional vulnerabilities. Read more for a country by country breakdown of the WB’s forecasts for developing ASEAN countries in our latest article.

The Philippine Economic Zone Authority – Incentives and Assistance


The Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) offers several fiscal and non-fiscal incentives for foreign investors looking to set up shop in the island nation. Our Philippines correspondent Bob Shead talks more about these incentives as well as the promoted business sectors under PEZA in this Op-ed.

ASEAN Market Watch: Singapore Innovation Fund, Philippines Credit Rating, and Myanmar Tourism


In this week’s ASEAN Market Watch, we focus on Singapore’s newly established Innovation Fund, discuss S&P Global’s investment grade rating for the Philippines, and highlight increased tourist arrivals in Myanmar.

Showing 10 of 818 articles
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