Audit and Compliance in Singapore: A Guide for Foreign Investors
Singapore makes it obligatory for registered businesses to file annual financial statements and hold annual general meetings.
Transfer Pricing in Singapore: A Guide for Foreign Investors
The Inland Revenue of Singapore (IRAS) endorses the arm’s length principle as its standard guide to transfer pricing.
A Guide to Personal Income Tax in Singapore
Personal income tax in Singapore is based on a progressive tax system, with taxes ranging from 0 to 22.5 percent for 2023.
A Guide to Withholding Taxes in Indonesia
Taxpayers in Indonesia are obligated to withhold taxes on certain payments to residents and non-residents.
A Guide to Value Added Tax in Indonesia
Value-added tax in Indonesia is imposed on the provision of services or the transfer of taxable goods at a rate of 11 percent.
A Guide to Corporate Income Tax in Indonesia
The corporate taxation (CIT) regime in Indonesia is governed by the Harmonized Tax Law and the CIT rate is 22 percent for the 2023 fiscal year.
How GST Liability is Assessed on Low Value Goods Transactions in Singapore
Goods and services tax is levied on low-value goods that are imported to Singapore. Businesses should identify whether their customers are GST-registered.
How to Open a Bank Account in Indonesia?
We discuss everything you need to know to open a bank account in Indonesia, including the necessary documents, procedure, and fees.
An Overview of Indonesia’s Double Tax Avoidance Agreements
Indonesia’s large number of double tax avoidance agreements (DTAA) eliminate double taxation for businesses and consumers.
Tax Incentives Under Malaysia’s Budget 2023
Malaysia’s 2023 Budget offers enhanced tax incentives for key industries such as aerospace, shipbuilding, electric vehicles, and electronics.