Income Tax Exemptions on Export Revenues from Indonesian Natural Resources
Explore Indonesia’s GR 22/2024 regulation offering tax exemptions for natural resource exporters.
Indonesia’s VAT Rate to Increase in 2025: How Businesses Can Get Ready
The Indonesian government is expected to impose a 12 percent VAT in 2025, an increase of 1 percentage point from the current VAT rate.
Thailand Approves Tax Incentives to Boost Domestic Tourism in Low Season
Thailand’s government has approved new tax incentives aimed at stimulating domestic tourism during the traditional low season.
Cambodia and Philippines Conclude Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement
Cambodia and the Philippines have concluded negotiations on a double taxation avoidance agreement that will enable the two countries to mitigate the burden of double taxation on businesses and individuals.
Philippines Passes CREATE MORE Act, Proposing Amendments to Tax Incentives
The CREATE MORE bill makes key amendments and enhancements to the tax regime introduced in the CREATE Act.
Navigating Lao E-Commerce: Understanding the Latest Tax Regulations
The Ministry of Finance of Laos issued regulation number 0558/MOF which sets out the latest guidance regarding tax obligations for e-commerce and digital platform providers.
Thailand Bolsters EV Support Scheme to Drive Adoption and Foster Battery Innovation
Thailand’s National Electric Vehicle Policy Committee has approved new measures to support the uptake of e-buses, e-trucks, as well as the establishment of battery bases.
Malaysia’s Sales and Service Tax Increase: What Industries are Impacted?
Malaysia has officially increased the sales and services tax rate from six percent to eight percent, which will impact several industries such as finance and leisure.
A Guide to Estimated Chargeable Income Filing in Singapore
Incorporated companies in Singapore must file an Estimated Chargeable Income (ECI) for each year of financial assessment.
Indonesia Issues New Tax Incentives to Spur EV Production and Sales
Indonesia’s Ministry of Finance issued new tax incentives to spur electric vehicle production and sales in the country.