ASEAN Briefing News

Philippines Enacts New E-Commerce Regulation


The Philippines government has adopted the Internet Transactions Act of 2023 (ITA), a new law governing the country’s e-commerce industry.

Thailand Implements Mandatory Reporting of Business Operator Income on Electronic Platforms


Thailand’s Revenue Department has required electronic platforms such as e-commerce and e-marketplaces to disclose their revenue from the business operators on their platforms.

Indonesia’s Social Media E-Commerce Ban: Navigating Regulatory Changes


Indonesia’s ban on social media e-commerce transactions will significantly affect key players such as TikTok and their business development.

Vietnam’s Decree 91 Makes Amendments to the Tax Administration Law


Vietnam’s Decree 91 makes amendments to the country’s Tax Administration Law. One of the changes includes reinstating the ’80 percent rule’ regarding provisional corporate income tax.

Thailand Opens First Digital Free Trade Hub


The Smart Digital Hub will host bonded warehouses storing Chinese products to be sold in Thailand and Thai products to be shipped to Chinese consumers to be sold on Alibaba platforms.

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  • An Introduction to Doing Business in ASEAN 2023
  • Opportunities for Foreign Investors in Thailand
  • How to Set Up in Thailand
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